GTT法吉泰 2024-06-20 12:00
GTT的 GTT NEXT1 液化天然气货物围护系统获得两项主要批准
GTT secures two major Approvals for its GTT NEXT1 LNG Cargo Containment System
巴黎 – 2024 年 6 月 6 日 – GTT公司是液化气体运输和储存的薄膜围护系统领域的技术专家,其GTT NEXT1液化天然气货物围护系统已获得必维船级社的设计批准(DA)和劳氏船级社的船舶应用通用批准(GASA)。
Paris – 6 June 2024 – GTT, the technology expert in membrane containment systems used to transport and store liquefied gases, has obtained a Design Approval (DA) from the classification society Bureau Veritas and a General Approval for Ship Application (GASA) from Lloyd's Register for its GTT NEXT1 LNG cargo containment system.
这两项批准在雅典的 Posidonia 2024 海事展上正式发布,标志着 GTT NEXT1 技术的一个重要里程碑。必维船级社和劳氏船级社确认该技术符合所有适用的规则和法规,包括国际海事组织的《国际气体运输船规则》(IMO IGC 规则)。获得这两项批准之后,GTT NEXT1技术现已准备好进行商业推广。
These two approvals, officially granted at the Posidonia 2024 maritime show in Athens, mark a major milestone for GTT NEXT1 technology. Through them, Bureau Veritas and Lloyd's Register confirm that the technology complies with all applicable rules and regulations, including the International Maritime Organization's International Gas Carrier Code (IMO IGC Code). With these two approvals, GTT NEXT1 technology is now ready for commercial deployment.
GTT NEXT1 技术旨在使用两个金属屏蔽膜同时保有与 Mark III Flex+ 技术相同的保温性能水平。使用预制增强聚氨酯泡沫板来支撑两层膜,在保温性能和机械性能之间提供了最佳优化。次屏蔽层由殷瓦钢制成,主屏障层的设计基于现有的波纹不锈钢概念,类似于Mark技术。通过这些设计优化,可以在使用经过验证的材料和组件的同时实现显著的性能改进。
GTT NEXT1 technology aims to offer a thermal level of performance equivalent to that of Mark III Flex+ technology while using two metallic barriers. The use of prefabricated reinforced polyurethane foam panels to support the two membranes provides the best compromise between thermal and mechanical performance. The secondary barrier is made of Invar, and the design of the first barrier is based on the existing corrugated stainless steel concept, similar to that of the Mark technologies. By activating these design levers, it is possible to deliver significant performance improvements, while using proven materials and components.
GTT董事长兼首席执行官Philippe Berterottière表示:“必维船级社和英国劳氏船级社批准我们的GTT NEXT1液化天然气货物围护系统,表明了我们对创新和卓越技术的坚定承诺。我们很自豪地推出这一尖端解决方案,它将我们经过验证的最佳技术与创新相结合,确保液化天然气运输的最佳性能和更高的可靠性。
Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, stated: "The approvals from Bureau Veritas and Lloyd's Register for our GTT NEXT1 LNG cargo containment system demonstrate our unwavering commitment to innovation and technological excellence. We are proud to present this cutting-edge solution, which combines the best of our proven technologies with new advancements, ensuring optimal performance and improved reliability for the transportation of liquefied natural gas."
必维船级社的海事与海洋工程总裁Matthieu de Tugny评论道:“我要祝贺GTT开发了GTT NEXT1货物围护系统,这是GTT的另一项重大技术进步,为全球大规模的海上运输提供了更高效的解决方案。必维船级社的专家一直都有参与。我们非常自豪能够参与这一最新技术,这反映了我们致力于与GTT合作,再次帮助确保液化天然气运输安全可靠的解决方案。
Matthieu de Tugny, President of Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, commented: “I would like to congratulate GTT on the development of this GTT NEXT1 cargo containment system - another significant GTT technological advancement, providing ever-more efficient solutions for moving by sea the cleanest energy, globally available at scale. Bureau Veritas experts have been there every step of the way. We are so very proud to be involved in this latest evolution, reflecting our commitment to helping secure safe and reliable solutions for the transportation of liquefied natural gas working yet again in collaboration with GTT.”
英国劳氏(Lloyd's Register)天然气部门总监Panos Mitrou说:“在GTT NEXT1液化天然气货物围护系统中,GTT结合了Mark III和NO96技术的优势,创造了一个在效率和可靠性方面树立了新的标准的薄膜系统。该批准意味着已准备好在劳氏船级社入级的船舶上应用GTT NEXT1围护系统。
Panos Mitrou, Gas Segment Director, at Lloyd’s Register, said: “In the GTT NEXT1 LNG cargo containment system, GTT combines the strengths of Mark III and NO96 technology, creating a membrane system that sets a new standard in efficiency and reliability. This General Approval signifies readiness for GTT NEXT1 containment system application on Lloyd’s Register Class ships.”